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  • Fuxin Group's 30th Anniversary Celebration and 2023 Mid Autumn Festival Cake Festival were successfully held

    30 Fu Li, dedicated to the faith industry. On October 13, Fuxin Group's 30th anniversary celebration and 2023 Mid Autumn Festival cake festival were successfully held on the fourth floor of the Xiamen Softlife Office, and the Shanghai branch venue was also connected. All employees of Fuxin Group's Board Office, Chen Zhanghui Fuxin Charity Foundation, Fuxin Financial Holding, Cultural Exchange, Real Estate Group Headquarters, Tangrenjia Service Headquarters, and principals of Real Estate Straits Corporation and Fuxin Optoelectronics Corporation attended the event. The event also invited the employees of the Group who have been in Xiamen for 20 years or more and some retired senior leaders to participate together. More than 200 Fuxin families gathered together to share the Group's 30th anniversary celebration and Mid Autumn Festival reunion.   At the beginning of the event, employees received and wore the 30th anniversary badge at the front desk, and took a group photo next to the 30th anniversary model. It is worth mentioning that the model of the 30th anniversary celebration is made by stacking Coke bottles. Each bottle of Coke is also carved with the name of an employee, which means "30 has me". The welcome screen at the front desk circularly plays the video of colleagues from all units wishing the 30th anniversary of the Group. Employees wear badges and take a group photo with the 30th anniversary model Then, the staff went to the enterprise exhibition hall, scanned the code in front of the LED screen to sign in and submit their blessings. Then, Kongming lights were filled with the good hopes of Fuxin people. Sign in and send blessings Then, a simple and grand celebration of the 30th anniversary kicked off in the staff canteen. First of all, a video clip "30 Achievements" shows you the main achievements of the 30th anniversary of the Group. Later, Chairman Wu Di delivered a speech. Wu Dong said that after 30 years of hard work, Fuxin Group has developed into a comprehensive private enterprise in many fields, including finance, real estate, technology, industry and investment, through the efforts of generations of Fuxin people. It has successfully become one of the top 500 private enterprises in China, and has won many honors at the national and provincial levels and recognition from all walks of life. Wu emphasized that in the face of the bottom of the current economic cycle and the theme of transformation and change, we should wash away the dust, remove the burden, and put down our mentality; In the face of objective dissatisfaction, adapt to and join in the new normal of gear shifting and speed reduction, do not complain, do not give up, and stand in a mature posture for the future. Wu also expressed his gratitude to all colleagues who have devoted their sweat, wisdom, youth and life to the development of the Group's cause, and hoped that all colleagues would continue to reap career growth and development in Fuxin and work together to create a better future for the Group. Then, after a video clip "30 years with me" thanked all the members of the Group for their contributions to the 30th anniversary of the Group, Wu Dong awarded the "30 years of service medal of honor" to Zhang Jianhua, one of the founding team members of the Company and the group director, and thanked and saluted President Zhang for his 30 years of outstanding contributions. Finally, Chairman Wu invited the main leaders of the Group in Xiamen to come to the stage and celebrate their birthday together. All the members sang a happy birthday song and wished the Group a happy 30th anniversary. Chairman Wu delivers a speech Chairman Wu awarded President Zhang with the "30 year veteran honorary seal" Major leaders of the Group in Xiamen celebrate their birthday together The last Mid Autumn Festival cake festival was opened by Zhang Zongming! With the clear sound of dice jingling and cheering, the top players at each table were announced one by one, and finally the top players were decided. General Manager Tang Guozhong and General Manager Mi Yuanyuan presented awards to Wang Zhongwang of the two places respectively, and invited all the staff to raise their glasses on behalf of the group leaders. Group photo of top scholars Returning with a full load, Fuxin people not only get rich prizes, but also the warmth and warmth of the Fuxin family; Smiling, Fuxin people show not only the optimistic attitude of going hand in hand, but also the heroic spirit of going through the cycle and going forward bravely!

  • Good news! Fuxin Group's excellent achievements in party building+cultural projects were recognized in many ways

    Recently, under the guidance of Xiamen Siming District New Era Civilization Practice Center and Siming District New Era Civilization Practice Volunteer Service Corps, Siming District Party Committee Publicity Department, Siming District Civilization Office, Siming District Civil Affairs Bureau, Siming District Federation of Trade Unions, Siming District Committee of the Communist Youth League, Siming District Women's Federation, and Siming District Financial Media Center, the first Siming District New Era Civilization Practice Project Venture Capital Competition ended.   After nearly four months of strict assessment, such as project application, preliminary evaluation and screening, expert training, and final roadshow, the party building+culture project of "picking up shells in Fucuo, XIN movable intangible heritage" - Hecuo Cultural Heritage Plan "selected by Chen Zhanghui Fuxin Charity Foundation stood out from 62 projects, ranked third, and won the highest amount of venture capital funding. In addition, the project also won the organization award of the fifth "Good deeds in Bamin - Public Welfare Charity Project Competition" directed by the Department of Civil Affairs of Fujian Province and hosted by Fujian Charity Federation.   In 2022, the Party Committee of Fuxin Group and the Party Committee of Hecuo Community signed an agreement on neighboring party building. Since then, under the guidance of the Group's Party Committee, Chen Zhanghui Fuxin Charity Foundation has continuously explored and polished the "government, enterprise and society" party building plan through in-depth communication, careful research and careful planning. Based on the patriotism and the spirit of strengthening the sea with the characteristics of He Cuo culture, it has determined the work orientation and development direction of "party building+culture", and created a grass-roots party building brand through "joint work of party building, regional resource sharing, spiritual civilization co creation, and public welfare joint work".   On June 30, 2023, the project was officially launched. So far, it has carried out a number of characteristic party building+cultural activities and leveraged multiple resources. In addition to establishing deep ties with provincial and municipal intangible cultural heritage heritage inheritors and local cultural teams, it has also received support and affirmation from overseas Chinese university, Xiamen Public Security Bureau, Siming District Cultural Center, Lianqian Neighborhood Office, Lianqian Neighborhood Committee, Lianqian Neighborhood New Era Civilization Practice Institute, and other media, such as China Customs Committee, Xiamen Satellite TV, Minnan Voice, and so on.   30 Fu Li, dedicated to the faith industry. In the future, Chen Zhanghui Fuxin Charity Foundation will continue to adhere to the vision of "one hundred years of charity to reach oneself", help the group to develop forward, upward, and better, and create new glory! 项目获思明区首届新时代文明实践项目创投大赛第三名、最高额度创投资金 项目获福建省第五届“善行八闽-公益慈善项目大赛”组织奖 厦门卫视拍摄《阵在村在》专题纪录片 独具特色的党建+文化活动   相关链接    1.思明区首届新时代文明实践项目创投大赛获资项目公示:    2.厦门卫视报道(16分43秒-23分24秒):    3.厦门卫视特区新闻广场公众号专栏:    4.中国关工委-中国火炬公众号报道:

  • Fuxin Group Party Committee Held 2022-2023 Annual Advanced Commendation Conference and Theme Education

    In the afternoon of July 3, the 2022-2023 annual advanced commendation conference and theme education of the Party Committee of Fuxin Group was held in the conference room No.1 of Ruansheng. Tang Guozhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Fuxin Group, Wu Di, Chairman of Fuxin Group, as well as all members of the Group, development targets, activists and applicants for party membership, attended the meeting on site or via video.     Tang Guozhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, first made a speech and put forward three requirements for Party members and Party building work: first, strengthen ideological guidance and build a solid foundation of faith; The second is to polish the identity of Party members and shoulder responsibilities; The third is to manage Party members strictly and improve the quality of Party members in an all-round way. Subsequently, the group party committee commended the advanced party members, advanced party workers and advanced party branches from 2022-2023.     Wu Di, Chairman of the Group, came to the conference to give guidance and make a speech in person in spite of his busy schedule, and asked the Party Committee of the Group to continue to do a good job in theme education, and all Party members to carefully study, understand and implement. We will unswervingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, firmly support the "two establishment", firmly implement the "two maintenance", strengthen the "four consciousness", and firmly adhere to the "four self-confidence". We will unswervingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to guide our practice, promote the high-quality development of the Group, and forge ahead bravely to achieve the Group's second venture and the "second century goal"! Speech by Secretary Tang Guozhong     Advanced Party Members, Advanced Party Affairs Workers and Advanced Party Branches   Theme education Speech by Chairman Wu Di have a group photo taken to mark the occasion

  • 党建引领聚合力 文化先行促发展 ——福信集团&何厝社区“党建+文化”项目正式启动

       以古开今,鉴往知来。党的十八以来,党中央在领导党和人民推进治国理政的实践中,始终把文化建设摆在全局工作的重要位置。6月30日下午,在七一建党节前夕,福信集团党委联合何厝社区党委、何厝社区理事会举办福信集团&何厝社区“党建+文化”项目启动仪式。莲前街道办事处三级调研员刘拥军、思明区文化馆副馆长苗娟、何厝社区党委书记何建和、福信集团党委办公室副主任张乃跃、陈章辉福信慈善基金会秘书长屠耀华等出席启动仪式。    启动仪式上,刘拥军调研员对项目表示充分肯定和期待,希望以党建引领何厝优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展。此外,由何厝社区理事会牵头,本土文化传承人、党员组成的何厝社区文化志愿者队伍也正式成立。未来,他们将面向辖区内企业、居民、青少年等群体开展文化宣传及体验活动,讲好何厝文化中的爱国主义故事、闽台情缘、海洋精神内涵,让文化在党建引领中传承,让党建在文化认同中夯实!    英雄何厝,魅力人文。自2022年7月福信集团党委与何厝社区党委签署党建共建协议以来,双方多次碰撞、深度调研,不断发掘辖区内优秀的传统文化,探索党建共建新模式,未来将达成“党建工作联做、区域资源共享、精神文明共创、公益事业联办”的合作局面。 (何厝社区文化志愿者队伍成立,党建+文化项目正式启动)

  • 福建省民政厅二级巡视员郭奇一行莅临基金会调研

       5月25日上午,福建省民政厅二级巡视员郭奇、慈善事业促进处副处长江泽一行莅临基金会开展调研指导工作,理事长唐国钟、党支部书记张小雅等陪同调研。    围绕“善行五载 重新出发”主题,基金会秘书处汇报了五年来的工作情况和实际成效,并介绍了未来将继续强化大局意识,依托村校社企各方资源,以“党建+文化”助力乡村发展,打造乡村振兴品牌项目。    郭奇巡视员充分肯定了基金会的规范运作以及取得的工作成果,赞赏基金会“授人以渔”的服务特色。希望进一步发挥党建引领作用,强化品牌意识,充分释放社会组织资金、资源、智力动能,为大学生成长发展、乡村振兴等领域贡献力量。并表示,省民政厅将积极协助解决基金会发展难题。    唐国钟理事长感谢省民政厅一直以来对福信集团慈善工作的支持与指导,表示基金会将积极参与福建慈善事业与乡村振兴建设,延续一颗朴素的善心! 座谈交流 合照

  • 陈章辉福信慈善基金会圆满完成理事会换届

       近日,福建省陈章辉福信慈善基金会在厦门软件园生活广场四楼召开换届大会暨第二届理事会第一次会议。基金会全体理事、监事参加了本次会议。会议由理事长唐国钟主持。    会议听取并审议通过了《理事会工作报告2018-2023》、《财务工作报告2018-2023》、《换届审计报告2018-2023》、《监事会工作报告2018-2023》、基金会愿景使命等。    过去五年,在第一届理事会的领导下,基金会坚持规范运作,踔厉奋发,成绩令人瞩目,已跻身福建省基金会行业前列,并先后获得5A级社会组织、先进基层党组织、中基透明指数连续3年满分等多项荣誉,福信慈善的影响力不断提升。    会议选举唐国钟、吴迪、黄晞、邱国龙、屠耀华为第二届理事会理事,唐国钟当选为理事长,吴迪、黄晞当选为副理事长,屠耀华当选为秘书长。会议决定,陈碧香担任新一届监事会监事长,蔡琼、黄汝椿为监事。本次换届方案已取得省民政厅备案确认。    未来,基金会将在“百年慈善 成人达己”愿景的指引下,秉承“链接每一份善意,成就每一个梦想”的使命,再接再厉,开启新的征程。   会议现场 唐国钟理事长主持会议 听取并审议通过相关工作报告 投票选举环节

  • “情暖人心 爱系未来”福信集团党委开展系列新春慰问活动

       “您好,我们是福信集团的党员志愿者,给您送份大礼包,拜个早年!”在思明区文文小朋友的家中,来自福信集团的党员志愿者正与他们一家人聊得热火朝天。13日上午,福信集团党委联合陈章辉福信慈善基金会参加了由思明区民政局、思明团区委主办的困境儿童新春探访关怀活动,经过前期的专业培训,志愿者们拿起年味十足的礼包前往各小朋友的家中,了解他们的生活近况,送去诚挚的新春祝福,并为有需要的困境儿童家庭提供疫情防控知识宣导。    这份暖人的情谊也绵延至远在高山的白交祠村。17日上午,迎着寒风与冻雾,福信集团党委、陈章辉福信慈善基金会的年轻党员志愿者为村里的老党员们带去了温暖大礼包,并与他们交流入党心得、重温入党初心,激励自己砥砺前行。在交流座谈会上,大家深入探讨了乡村振兴发展方向,明确未来将继续依托党建共建基地,发挥我方的资源优势,以文化为乡村铸魂,助力白交祠村绘就更美的高山画卷。 党员志愿者们入户探访困境儿童 福信集团党委、陈章辉福信慈善基金会获颁感谢证书 年轻党员志愿者慰问白交祠村老党员 与村两委深入交流乡村振兴发展方向

  • 吴迪董事长连任福建省第十四届人民代表大会代表 并出席2023年省、市“两会”

       1月11日至15日,福建省十四届人大一次会议在福州隆重召开。福建省人大代表、厦门市政协委员、福信集团董事长吴迪连任福建省第十四届人民代表大会代表,全程出席本次会议。    省人大会议期间,吴迪董事长围绕“深化创新政、村、企合作机制,助力乡村振兴”和“打造‘超级城市’,并建立中国顶级城市群,引导区域经济整体向上发展”两个主题向大会提交建议。    此前,吴董还以厦门市政协委员的身份出席了1月3日至5日召开的厦门市政协十四届第二次会议,并围绕“加快推动厦门市机器视觉产业发展壮大”、“创新完整社区建设模式,加快推动老旧小区改造”和“养老服务设施建设与城市更新相结合”三个主题进行建言献策。    2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,是实施“十四五”规划承上启下的关键之年。福信集团全体同仁将紧密团结在以吴迪董事长为核心的班子领导下,继续坚定不移听党话、跟党走,忠诚拥护“两个确立”,坚决做到“两个维护”,坚持企业自身建设与健康发展,积极履行企业社会责任,为全方位推进高质量发展,奋力谱写全面建设社会主义现代化国家福建篇章作出新的更大贡献!    

  • 走访慰问贫困户,结对帮扶暖人心——福信集团党总支2019春节慰问建美村

       1月25日,福信集团党总支党员代表一行10余人前往“百企帮百村”福信集团结对帮扶对象——漳州市华安县建美村走访慰问,为贫困户送去春节的祝福和问候。此行受到了建美村第一书记陈南坤、村书记李胜利、村长林金生等人的热情接待。    福信集团党总支一行人首先走访福美农业产业园。目前,建美村7户建档立卡贫困户都已加入福美农业产业园,积极投身于鹌鹑养殖。在座谈会上,一行人与村干部、贫困户代表交流鹌鹑养殖的现状,了解贫困户的生活和家庭情况。村书记李胜利表示,在福信集团的帮扶下,贫困户的生活水平得到了明显的改善,福信集团给贫困户脱贫致富带来了机会和希望。    最后,福信集团党总支一行人为贫困户送去了精心准备的米、油等慰问品及慰问金。部分贫困户因身患疾病出门不便,福信集团党总支一行人便将慰问品和慰问金送到贫困户家中,与贫困户唠家常、问冷暖,祝愿他们度过一个温暖、祥和的春节。    华安县建美村是福信集团加入“百企帮百村”精准扶贫行动后主动结对帮扶的对象,对福信集团而言,持续有效地推动精准扶贫、助力乡村振兴,是长期持续的社会责任,更是矢志不渝的时代使命。我们相信,在所有人的共同努力之下,华安县建美村的贫困户们将用勤劳的双手摘掉贫困帽、喜迎新生活。 在福美农业产业园,向贫困户了解鹌鹑养殖情况 座谈会现场 发放慰问品 合影留念

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